Wednesday, November 09, 2005

It has come to this.

I attended The Greater Lehigh Valley Writers Group's self-publishing event on Saturday, November 5, and one of the many things I learned is that I need to start making my professional self more visible and accessible. So far, the only people who will find this page most likely are people who already know about my personal life, so not much of that is going to appear here. What I hope to post here will be more related to my professional doings as a freelance writer and, one day hopefully, novelist.

My ambitions include booking workshops at junior highs, high schools, colleges, and the like, and until I get my professional writing site up and running, I'll post that information here. I'll also have any self-publishing or other me-in-print news on this ::shudder at the word:: blog.

Okay, I just wrote "blog." I gotta go take a shower, rinse off the slime.


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