Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Reflections on National Novel Writing Month

I started a book from scratch (as long as "sequel" counts from scratch) five days into the month, and I'm less than ten thousand words from hitting the fifty thousand mark. Most of it is, indeed, crap. Crappy poo poo, to be exact. And that is the point. If I can produce a heap of steaming crap in a month, imagine what one can do if one takes the discipline practiced during NaNoWriMo and applies that to actual writing. I have learned that NaNoWriMo is not a step towards Getting Published. It is an exercise in developing the discipline to write daily so that one has enough material and experience that one could, possily, have a glass of wine with dinner.

Wine with dinner? What is she talking about? Here is what I wrote yesterday in an author's note:

Because today I realized that publication is not the icing on the cake. It’s less sweet than that. No, publication is far more like the wine that is selected to go with dinner. The writing is the dinner it self. The wine, however, can make it more enjoyable, but you’ll still need to eat the actual dinner, wine or not. When we focus on the wine only and not the dinner it self, however, we are focusing on the wrong thing and risk becoming addicted to something that makes us mess up the way we walk, makes us unable to drive legally, and in general messes with our heads big time. And that which is written by the writer drunk on desire for the wine of publication is in general not as vital and basic and sustaining as that dinner, that writing, that good stuff that makes the wine enjoyable, that stuff that the wine sets off.

But I can live forever without the wine. (In real life, I need to stop eating so much, so that kind of tells me something about how a writer can become addicted to anything if she/he really wants to, even just the writing process). I need to focus on balancing my desire for the actual substance of the meal while still asking for wine with dinner. Maybe I’ll get that glass of a very good wine. Then again, maybe not. But at least I need to make sure that I don't starve.

Here endeth the lesson.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

It has come to this.

I attended The Greater Lehigh Valley Writers Group's self-publishing event on Saturday, November 5, and one of the many things I learned is that I need to start making my professional self more visible and accessible. So far, the only people who will find this page most likely are people who already know about my personal life, so not much of that is going to appear here. What I hope to post here will be more related to my professional doings as a freelance writer and, one day hopefully, novelist.

My ambitions include booking workshops at junior highs, high schools, colleges, and the like, and until I get my professional writing site up and running, I'll post that information here. I'll also have any self-publishing or other me-in-print news on this ::shudder at the word:: blog.

Okay, I just wrote "blog." I gotta go take a shower, rinse off the slime.